
Our Vision

To be a strong business group and a key catalyst to Davao’s development.

Our Mission

We shall actively pursue diversified businesses in the international markets, with emphasis in the Asia-Pacific region.

We endeavor to continuously introduce and develop innovative products and services that contribute to the upliftment of Davao’s quality of life and to the promotion and preservation of its

We are committed to the principles of integrity, professionalism, and excellence in all our undertakings.

We recognize our responsibility to enhance and promote the development of our people, community and environment.

We humbly acknowledge that all these can be made possible only through the guidance and help of Divine Providence.

Our Vision

STRONG BUSINESS GROUP – Highly respected based on the following key criteria: stability of the companies, competitiveness and reliability of the products and services offered, and integrity and professionalism of the people comprising the organization.

KEY CATALYST TO DAVAO’S DEVELOPMENT – The JVA Group shall continue to closely identify itself with Davao in its business dealings. The Group’s business success shall also be Davao’s success in its quest for recognition as an economic leader.

Our Mission

WE – Each and everyone of us: united in our mission and working together without regard for departmental and company boundaries. We all influence the result.

DIVERSIFIED – Strong and independent business units whose viability do not depend on internal transactions among the affiliates.

ASIA-PACIFIC REGION – Although based principally in Davao, the Group’s realm of business activities shall reach out to the Asia-Pacific region either in terms of operating a branch, serving a market and/or sourcing products therefrom.

COMMITTED – We bind ourselves to match our beliefs and words with our actions.

PRINCIPLES – Natural, universal laws that pertain to human relationships and human organizations. Examples are honesty, integrity, justice, fairness, equity, and trust. We adhere to certain principles to guide us in our relationships with our associates, customers, suppliers, creditors, etc….

INTEGRITY – Honesty; sincerity; trustworthiness. We keep our word. We do not lie, cheat or steal, nor do we tolerate those that do. We are fair, firm and consistent in our decisions and actions.

PROFESSIONALISM – A professional is one who is able to meet performance standards without sacrificing personal integrity. We do not compromise when it comes to the output meeting the standards. We are objective in evaluating, deciding, and acting on matters that come our way.

EXCELLENCE – Second-to-none; an insatiable appetite for improvement; competitive in terms of price and cost. We deliver total customer satisfaction (both within and outside the JVA Group) by providing products and services of the highest quality.

RESPONSIBILITY – A duty or an obligation that should be achieved or accomplished. Being responsible means that we do not only recognize the need to do something, but actually act to satisfy the need.


  • PEOPLE – We support the growth of our associates, both personally and professionally, by providing opportunities for advancement within the organization. Everyone–from the lowliest employee to the top officer–has something to contribute to the attainment of the mission.
  • COMMUNITY – The upliftment of the economic, social and spiritual well-being of the people in the communities where we operate shall be integrated in our business practices.
  • ENVIRONMENT – Our mission shall not be pursued at the expense of the environment where we operate. On the contrary, , our business decisions shall take into account the sustainable development of our environment. DIVINE

PROVIDENCE – God is the sole Source and Provider of our strengths, talents, and capabilities. We can only accomplish our mission by allowing Him to reign over the organization.